If you are not afraid to face the truth of history, click on the link below to view the video “180”.
Be warned: it is not easy to watch.
But “those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them.”
The movie is 33 minutes long, but you won’t notice the time.

Cadence International Ministries
At Queen Valley Church we support the ministry of Cadence International Ministries, which ministers to military families posted all around the world..
Here is the latest “eLifeline” prayer letter from Cadence International Ministries.
We have especially been supporting and praying for Nielsons, who until their very recent retirement, were working in Germany as missionaries serving the Military families based there.
We post the prayer letter below with the permission of Cadence international ministries so that you can pray with us for them!
To see a short video and learn more about Cadence International Ministries, please click on the following link:
Here is the latest eLifeline prayer letter from Cadence International:
a prayer publication of Cadence International®
Requests & Praises May 2013
Praise for Answered Prayer
❑ Rob & Karen Hampton, Partnership Development, Denver, CO Awesome answers to prayer for family matters! Thank you for your prayers!
❑ Dan & Becke Haas, Cadence Student Ministries (CSM), Camp Humphreys, South Korea Praise for answers to previous prayer requests: We made it to Korea! Thank you for praying for us during the transition from Germany to Korea!
❑ Ralph & Wilma Porter, 29 Palms Ministry, CA The marines and civilians distributing monthly 2,000 gospel coins, the Marine Combat Center and 29 Palms. May the Holy Spirit bring many, especially the single marines, to Christ Jesus and His redeeming gospel through the witness of his redeemed warriors.
❑ Wes & Elaine Auldridge, Partnership Develop- ment, Burleson, TX God is answering many of our prayers to restore our hearts so we will be completely prepared to minister full time again. Praise Him!
❑ Jennessa Randall, CSM, Kaiserslautern, Germany Spring break high school camp was great and over half our students responded to God’s work in their lives. Please pray the seeds that sprouted take root and grow and that our students realize what it is to give their lives to Christ and truly follow Him, not just agree with Gospel facts.
Week of May 1
❑ Brad & Debbie Ellgen, Festaburg Hospitality House, Baumholder, Germany Pray for our friend Karl Kuckhahn,who was in a serious car accident in late March. Much recovery is needed.
❑ Sharyn Holl, Cadence Women’s Ministry (CWM), Kaiserslautern, Germany As I transition back to Germany, I need wisdom for what my Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC) involvement will look like this summer and fall, and for the completion of my Bible study writing project so I can give it to interested women.
❑ Frank & Ruth Ann Branham, Fellowship Ranch, Fort Leonard Wood, MO Starting in May, Fellowship Ranch will begin its new ministry focus of Bible study and mentoring to permanent party soldiers and families. Please pray that God will bless our efforts as we make this transition from working with trainees since that door has now closed to us.
❑ Wes & Elaine Auldridge, Partnership Development, Burleson, TX Please continue to pray that God would finish the work he has begun with us and provides all we need to return to the field by this summer. He is already doing some amazing things but we need prayer warriors to intercede for us and partners to send us!
Week of May 5
❑ Paul & Beryl Metko, Missionary Mentor, Milwaukie, OR Pray for fruitful reconnections with those families on partnership development for whom we are responsible to mentor.
❑ Rick & Paula Scott, Kaiserslautern Hospitality House, Germany Please pray for the Lord’s leading as we consider various ministry opportunities this spring and summer. Pray that the ministry programs we run would continue to deepen community and glorify Christ.
❑ Dan & Becke Haas, CSM, Camp Humphreys, South Korea Please pray as we navigate settling in, beginning ministry and our cultural adjustment. Also as we learn Korean please pray God allows it to stick!
❑ Laurel Hoyt, CWM, Grafenwoehr, Germany I’m providing several of the ladies with a “Day with God”
this weekend. Pray that they will meet with the Lord during this time and that their hearts will be open to hear Him. Also pray that they will then take what they hear and learn back into their daily lives.
Week of May 12
❑ Ben & Doris Hyde, Fort Hood Hospitality House, TX Budget cuts have been affecting Fort Hood for the past year. Now layoffs of civilians, and even the national guard and reservists, are occurring. Similarly, support for us and all para-church groups has diminished. All missionaries here need funds.
❑ Lou & Linda Harrison, Cadence Personal Retreats, Morrison, CO Preston Owens, a friend who was recently discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps, is a student in the missionary aviation program at Letourneau College. He’s preparing for a mission aviation exposure trip to Papua, Indonesia. He’d ap- preciate prayer for the final amount of his support,
his preparation for the trip, and a safe and productive experience.
❑ Gene Poppino, Pastoral Care, Lake Tapps, WA We are grateful for God’s work in missionaries’ lives after recent visits. The Lord brought freedom to some who carried burdens that affected them emotionally. Pray for me (Gene) as I begin this month at the Cata- lyst Conference in Dallas and then travel on to visit missionaries in Texas.
❑ Carissa Sheehan, Design & Media, HQ, Engle- wood, CO Please pray for a safe and healthy deliv- ery of my baby via c-section on May 17 as well as a smooth transition of my responsibilities to Christine and Melissa during my maternity leave.
Week of May 19
❑ Ray & Char Hauser, Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Base, Kailua, HI Due to training and deployments, our time spent with these marines comes in spurts. Pray that they will develop a hunger to really KNOW Jesus and that Ray will have clarity on exactly what to teach and pass on to them.
❑ Skip & Ruth Ann Main, Pensacola Hospital- ity House, FL Please pray for new Sunday school teachers and children’s church workers for the chapel program.
❑ Lorene Glynn, Air Force Academy, CO The Prep School graduation is May 22. My sincere thanks to our Heavenly Father throughout this school year for His work in the hearts of each of the students. As always, I will miss seeing this group each week when they came to our chapel Bible studies. In a couple more months the new class of students will arrive. Pray that the LORD will prepare our hearts for the new school year.
❑ Tim & Bobbi Bettger, North Country Hospitaliy House, NY Please pray for us as we plan our summer contacts and travel on the West Coast for partnership development.
Week of May 26
❑ Wes & Elaine Auldridge, Partnership Develop- ment, Burleson, TX Our sixth anniversary is May 26. Please pray we take this time when we’re not on the field to celebrate and enjoy each other.
❑ Carl & Joyce Main, Luke Air Base, Phoenix, AZ As we approach our hot summer months the flight line ministry of our Spiritual Maintenance Center takes on greater significance for that welcome and needed break (about 150 airmen per day). We serve treats and cups of cold water for their physical thirst with opportunities to explore their spiritual thirst. Pray that many would seek to know Him. Also, please pray for all our volunteer workers. “On him we have set our hope..., as you help us by your prayers” (2 Cor 1:10-11 NIV). Thank you for your faithful support through your prayers.
❑ Skip & Ruth Main, Pensecola Hospitality House, FL Please pray for Chaplain Gibson and his family as he retires from the navy. Pray that they would have a smooth transition back to civilian life.
❑ Matt & Tina Huisjen, Bamberg Hospitality House, Germany Slated for closure, Bamberg is scheduled to shrink significantly after this com- ing summer. Pray for wisdom and perspective as we anticipate leaving our home here (14-plus years) and begin looking for a house in Vilseck (about 90 min- utes away) to open a new hospitality house ministry there.
Cadence International® • PO Box 1268 • Englewood, CO 80150 • 303.762.1400 • www.cadence.org • www.cadencestudents.org • Sharing the gospel and our lives with the military community