Sunday Worship services are held
9 a.m. at the Queen Valley Rec Hall, which is located on Queen Valley Blvd, right next to the Fire Station.

The rest of the week, the Rec Hall may be used for meetings, dances, reunions, and (for all we know) boxing matches; but on Sunday morning, it’s a holy place; it’s our church.
During the Summer months, from May through September, we meet in homes and will celebrate Communion once a month.

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first and third Sundays of each month.
All believing Christians are welcome to fellowship and receive the Sacrament with us, whatever your denominational background.

Our Summer Schedule:

During the Summer months from May through September we meet in homes, since we are a smaller congregation during those hot months. We meet at 9 a.m. on Sundays, as always, and Pastor Giles brings us the Lord’s Supper on the third Sunday of each month. Each month we are hosted in a different home.

When the Summer months return in 2013, we will post the list of homes that will be hosting us. For now, we are gathering at the Queen Valley Rec Hall.